MWLA Elects Officers and Directors at 30th Annual Meeting
The Manitowish Waters Lakes Association held its 30th Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 30th at the North Lakeland Discovery Center. The membership was welcomed by MWLA President, Greg Holt on a beautiful, sunny morning with a delicious breakfast of a variety of egg casseroles, homemade crullers, and fruit plates from Save-More Food Market in Minocqua,
The MWLA’s mission is to “protect, maintain and enhance our waters”. We are able to accomplish this through our partnerships with the North Lakeland Discovery Center, WDNR, and the Towns of Manitowish Waters and Boulder Junction.
During the business portion of the meeting, the following officers and directors were elected:
- Officers (1-year term ending July 2023)
Greg Holt, President; Angela Dombrowicki, Vice President; Eleanor Butler, Treasurer; Karen Dixon, Secretary. - Directors (2-year terms ending July 2024)
Mary Bowlus, Paul Puccinelli, Delp SchaferGreg Holt recognized and thanked departing board member Lynn Schroeder for his service on the board. He gave of his time and resources to the Association and will be missed. Appreciation was expressed to area businesses, members, and board members for their contribution to the raffle that helps raise money for mission-led projects.
The educational program included presentations by the following:
- Tom Kramer, Headwaters Basin Chapter Chairman – Walleyes for Tomorrow fish stocking project
- Dan Perry, Manitowish Chain Water Safety Patrol
- Heidi Putnam, Vilas County Land & Water Conservation Department – Rice Creek Erosion & Pollution Study
- Greg Holt, MWLA – Rest Lake Property Acquisition
- Jamie VandenLangenberg, North Lakeland Discovery Center Water Program Director – Shoreland Preservation
Mark your calendar for next year’s MWLA Annual Meeting which will be held on Saturday, July 29th, 2023.