Management Plan Excerpt
Manitowish Waters Chain of Lakes Comprehensive Management Plan, December 2019
Onterra LLC has compiled valuable data that is presented in the Manitowish Waters Chain of Lakes Comprehensive Management Plan, Dec. 2019. The Plan, sponsored by the North Lakeland Discovery Center and the Manitowish Waters Lakes Association, includes a section entitled Manitowish Waters Chain of Lakes Shoreland Zone Condition. Shorelines were field surveyed and the associated shorelands assigned to one of five descriptive categories, from “urbanized” to “natural/undeveloped”. All lakes included portions of shorelands in at least three of the five possible categories, with most containing all five. The information is presented both for the Manitowish Water Chain of Lakes as a whole and for the individual thirteen lakes assessed. Access to the shoreland zone information excerpted from the full Plan document is available through the “Management Plan Excerpt” option below.
Manitowish Wates Chain of Lakes 2019 Comprehensive Management Plan
To access the full 500+ page Manitowish Wates Chain of Lakes 2019 Comprehensive Management Plan, please use the following link: