Become a Member

Who can be a member? All persons, businesses and organizations residing on or owning property within one mile of the waters of the Manitowish Waters chain of lakes and all other lakes and rivers located wholly or partially within Manitowish Waters Township shall be eligible for membership in the Association. In addition, eligibility for membership shall be extended to those individuals who reside within one mile of the described waters at least one month per year. Any other member may be approved by a majority of the board of Directors.

Dues are $30 per year covering June 1 to May 31 of the following year.

Please print, fill out, and mail the PDF form below or use the online form.

For more information call 715-543-8401.

The Manitowish Waters Lakes Association is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization.
All donations to the MWLA are fully tax deductible as allowed by relevant law.
MWLA does not share its membership list with other organizations.