Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring and Control Plans for 2024
Grants have been received.
Control work is planned.
Citizen monitoring efforts are vital.
Grants Received:
In 2023, the North Lakeland Discovery Center applied for multiple grants through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources surface waters grant program. The North Lakeland Discovery Center, the Town of Manitowish Waters, the Manitowish Waters Lakes Association, along with the towns of Winchester and Boulder Junction and the Winchester Town Lakes Committee comprise the Town Aquatic Invasive Species Partnership, working together to monitor, control and prevent the spread of invasive species in our area.
Control grants applied for and received:
- $25,000 grant for control of Eurasian watermilfoil.
- Specific for 1-year removal of Eurasian watermilfoil found in 2023 in Manitowish Lake and the Trout River.
- $8635 cost share provided by the Manitowish Waters Lakes Association.
- Total project cost: $33, 635.
- $17,778.75 grant for 3-years control of curly-leaf pondweed.
- Specific for removal of curly-leaf pondweed found in Vance Lake.
- $5926.25 cost share provided by the Town of Manitowish Waters.
- Total project cost: $23,705.
Additional grants applied for and received:
- $9,410.64 aquatic invasive species planning grant for Wild Rice Lake (phase III).
- $6,892.63 aquatic invasive species planning grant for Alder Lake (phase III).
- $4,000 Clean Boats Clean Waters grant for boat monitoring at Clear Lake and Rest Lake boat landings.
Additional grant previously applied for and continuing in 2024.
- 2nd year of 3 year curly-leaf pondweed control grant for the Manitowish Chain above the dam.
Total funds budgeted for aquatic invasive species control, monitoring and education:
- Town of Manitowish Waters: $64,268 (2024 budget).
- Manitowish Waters Lakes Association: $15,000 (June 1, 2023 to May 31 2024 budget; portion of this used for cost share requirements for above Eurasian watermilfoil control grant).
Planned Work: (Note—Curly-leaf pondweed growth precedes Eurasian watermilfoil growth.)
- Manitowish Lake and Trout River – Eurasian watermilfoil
- Early season (likely mid-June) full lake survey of Manitowish Lake (Alder and Trout River previously surveyed fall 2023).
- Hand-pulling and diver assisted suction harvest by Aquatic Plant Management Inc and North Lakeland Discovery Center in Manitowish Lake and the Trout River in early July.
- Repeat hand-pulling and DASH twice, mid and late summer.
- Late season (likely late August) full lake surveys of Manitowish and Alder Lakes, and the Trout River between these two lakes by Onterra, LLC.
- Vance Lake – Curly-leaf pondweed
- Early season (May) survey for curly-leaf pondweed in Vance Lake by North Lakeland Discovery Center
- Hand-pulling (end of May/early June) by Aquatic Plant Management Inc.
- Repeat hand-pulling throughout season as needed by North Lakeland Discovery Center.
- Late Season (August) survey for curly-leaf pondweed in Vance Lake by North Lakeland Discovery Center
- Above the dam – Curly-leaf pondweed
- Early season (June) survey for curly-leaf pondweed in all lakes previously known to have curly-leaf pondweed by Onterra, LLC.
- Early season (June) survey for curly-leaf pondweed across all lakes by North Lakeland Discovery Center.
- Hand-pulling all curly-leaf pondweed found by North Lakeland Discovery Center and supplemented by Aquatic Plant Management Inc if needed.
- Entire Chain, above and below dam – All AIS
- Survey entire shoreline for AIS like purple loosestrife, phragmites, and Japanese knotweed, conducted late summer by North Lakeland Discovery Center
- Release biocontrol beetles at Wild Rice, Rice Creek, Island Lake, and Stepping Stone Lakes, by North Lakeland Discovery Center
- Early Detection AIS survey and spiny waterflea sampling on Alder, Fawn, Rest, Stone, Vance, and Wild Rice lakes.
- Point-Intercept Vegetation Surveys
- Conduct point-intercept and community mapping surveys on Alder and Wild Rice Lakes, conducted by North Lakeland Discovery Center and Onterra, LLC.
Why Citizen Monitors are Needed, and How to Help
Volunteers spotted the first curly-leaf pondweed and the first Eurasian watermilfoil occurrences in our waters. Aquatic invasive species can only be controlled if we know where they are. Multiple sets of eyes looking throughout the season can provide the vitally needed information.
The Manitowish Waters Lakes Association with the assistance of the North Lakeland Discovery Center Woods and Water staff will be conducting four aquatic invasive species identification trainings at four different sites this summer. Please check out the Events tab on the website for further information.
The North Lakeland Discovery Center Woods and Waters staff will be conducting two additional programs this summer combining underwater exploration and aquatic invasive species identification.
Please check out for further information.